The news is at the peak where protestors are demanding to ban 5G as due to it's harmful radiations, many birds are being killed and humans are too affected due to this.But, are these figures and petitions all
First let's understand radiation. " Radiation " is actually a term used throughout the science world to describe a certain pattern of movement. Radiation itself is not a bad thing but indeed it has different types.
non-ionizing radiation, while at the higher energies is called ionizing radiation. 5G towers emit a type of electromagnetic wave called a microwave i.e. non-ionizing radiation .
Since it is a non-ionizing radiation, it
travels very slow and has big particles
due to which it cannot penetrate our
body and damage our/animals' DNA.
Thus, 5G does not cause cancer or any
other health problems to any animals.
Then what about the news that mass
number of birds have died in Italy due
to 56 experimentIhis is a false rumour
spread on Twitter. Mass suicide/
murders occurs on birds due to several
reasons and have been witnessed
before 5G.
Since lightbulbs produces, infrared rays, we have a higher chance to get cancer
from some light bulb than 5G antenna.
Thank You
By-Vikash Bharal
If you have any doubts.Please Let me know