5 Ways Albert Einstein changed the World!


Einstein merged these two into a single space-time continuum. We measure them in different units, such as miles and seconds respectively. But Einstein showed how they are actually interchangeable, linked to each other through the speed of light.


 It's the only mathematical formula to have reached the status of cultural icon. The equation expresses the equivalence of mass and energy, two physical Parameters previously believed to be e completely separate.

Gravitational Waves

Einstein died in 1955, but his huge scientific legacy continues in the 21st century with the announcement of the discovery of gravitational waves (another consequence eneral relativity) in 2016.

Black Holes & Wormholes

Einstein found that massive objects like planets and stars actually distort the fab ric of space-time, and it's this distortion that produces the effects we perceive a gravity. the most famous solution to E.stein's equations was a Black Hole.

The Expansion of The Universe 

In 1915, Einstein apply his equations to the Universe as a whole. It came out that the Universe is expanding! In 1929, Edwin Hubble's observations showed that the Universe is really expanding, apparenthly in just the way th. Einstein's original equations predicted.

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