Jeff Bezoz Is Going To Space Today

Blue Origin, a company founded by
Bezos over 2 decades ago, is now
ready take Jeff Bezos to space.

The maiden flight of Blue Origin's New Shepard
aircraft will take its 4 passengers roughly 100
kilometers above Earth where they will be able
to see the elegance of the blue planet.

Ms. Funk, 82, and Mr. Daemen, 18, are both
pilots and would, respectively, be the oldest
and youngest person to reach space.

For the journey of around 11 minutes,
all the passengers completed their 14
hours of preflight training.
When can you go to space?
Blue Origin plans two more customer
flights this year in September, price of the
ticket is not finalized. But the company
said you can email if interested.
When can you go to space?
Blue Origin plans two more customer
flights this year in September, price of the
ticket is not finalized. But the company
said you can email if interested.

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