What Is the Taste of Poison?

Most of the poison are bitter in taste but
did you know no one ever knew how
potassium cyanide taste, it's very poisonous hard powder. a small pinch can kill human within second. according to a hindustan times report, Mp prasad A goldsmith from kochi killed himself after
consuming cyanide.

The man committed suicide but he lived
long enough to describe the taste of the
poisonous mixture. the man write  in his
suicide note, "doctors, potassium cyanide.
i have tasted it. it burns the tongue and
tastes acrid." (acrid means sharp and harshor unpleasantly pungent in taste)

MP Prasad mixed potassium cyanide with
liquor and stirred it with the back of his
pen. he uwas writing his suicide note when
he accidentally put the poisoned tip of the
pen into his mouth before completing thhe
note. when he realised his foolish mistake
he quickly wrote douwn the taste of it.

The suicide note is the only official
document in the world describing the
taste of potassium cyanide. MP PRASAD
was never officially credited for his
By-Vikash Bharal
Thank You 

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