10 Type Of Hacking?

This implies replicating the original website so that the unsuspecting user
enters the information 1ike account
password, credit card details, which
the hacker seizes and misuses.
The banking websites are the frequent target for this.

These are released by the hacker into
the files of the website once they enter o
into it. The purpose is to corrupt the
information or resources on the website.

3.UI redress :
In this method the hacker creates a
fake user interface and when the user
clicks with the intent of going to a
certain website, they are directed to
another site altogether.

4. Cookie theft:
Hackers accesses the website using
malicious codes and steal cookies which
contain confidential information, login
passwords etc.

5.Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) :
This hacking technique is aimed at taking down a website, so that a user cannot access it or deliver their service

6. DNS spoofing :
This basically uses the cache data of a website or domain that the user might have forgotten about. It then directs the data to another malicious website.

7. Social Engineering:
Social engineering is an attempt to get
you to share personal information,
usually by impersonat ing a trusted

8. Missing Security Patches:
Security tools can become outdated as the hacking landscape advances, and require frequent updates to protect against new threats.

9. Malware-Inject ing Devices
Cybercrimi nals can use hardware to sneak mal ware onto your computer. You may have heard of infected USB sticks, which can give hackers remote access to your device as soon as they' re plugged into your computer

10. Cracking Passwords :
Hackers can obtain your credent ials through a number of means, but common ly they do so through a pract ice
called key logging .

By-Vikash Bharal
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