6 Best Gadget's Every Hacker Need In Their ToolKit

#1. Rubber Ducky
This "special" pen drive is a device that works as a programmed keyboard in the shape of a USB drive. When you plug it into a computer, it starts writing automatically to launch programs and tools which
may either be available on the victim computer or  loaded onto the drive's onboard Micro SD, in order to extract information.
#2.Lan Trutle
This type of systems admin and pen-test tool provides stealthy remote access, as it stays connected to a USB port covertly. Besides this, it allows users to harvest information from the network and has the capacity to execute a man-in-the-middle attack.
#3. HackRf One
This tool is essentially a radio communication device which installs software to be used in place of typically installed hardware. it is capable of processing all kinds of radio signals ranging from 10 MHz to 6 GHz from a single peripheral, which can be connected to the computer via a USB port.
#4. UberTooth One
This device is an open-source 2.4 GHz code development platform for experimenting with Bluetooth, enabling users to appreciate the different aspects of new wireless technologies.
An old classic for logging keystrokes. This device can be connected via USB or PS/2 and creates a stealthy connection between the keyboard and PC, logging every
keystroke. of course, it tends to go undetected by most security systems
#6.Wifi Pineapple

This set of tools for wireless penetration tests is very useful for various types of attacks, such as man-in-the-middle attack. Through an intuitive web interface, it enables you to connect using any device, such as a smartphone or a tablet.
By-Vikash Bharal
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