How FingerPrint Sensor Work?

The basic working principle of 
fingerprint scanner is start with by
capturing the pattern of Ridges and
Valleys on a finger.
The captured pattern is then
processed by the device pattern
matching software, which
compares it to the list of registered
fingreprints on a file. A successful match will grant the access.Types Of Fingerprint Scanner?
1.Optical Scanner
Optical scanners use an LED light to
illuminate the finger. The sensor detects and creates the fingerprint
image by determining the light and
dark areas created by the fingerprint ridges.
2. Capacitive Scanner
Instead oflight, capacitive scanners
use electricity to determine fingerprint
patterns. Most of the phones with fingerprint scanners use capacitive sensors.
3.Ultrasonic Scanner
These scanners work via sound waves. The hardware is designed to
send out utrasonic pulses and measure how much bounces back.Ridges and valleys reflect sound
differently, which is how ultrasonic scanners are able to create a detailed 3D map of fingerprint patterns.
By-Vikash Bharal
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