Terraforming Mars

Present Day Mars
 The atmosphere on Mars is really thin,
only about 1% of what we have on Earth
Mars is further away than the sun,
coupled with it's thin atmosphere,
It's temperature is about-63 c
Almost no magnetosphere No protection against radiation
Soil infertile for food
Almost all water on Mars today exists as ice

We would have to make it thicker and change it's composition 
Carbon Dioxide can be turned to oxygen through Plant Life.

There are many ways we could do this
One way would be to trigger a green house effect, this would trap heat from the sun and would heat the planet.

Different Ways to do this:
By Mining Rocks on Mars

Smashing Ice-rich Comets from the Solar System
We can melt Mars' polar ice caps and have water. This would create oceans.
Water can also be extracted from the Martian soil, but it will have to go through various proccesses for it to be drinkable.

We would have to make some changes
to the Martian soil, currently it's unfertile Or we can also modify plants into being able to live in the Martian soil.
If done correctly After a long time, forest
would start to appear

If we don't fix Mars' magnetosphere, all
the terraforming process will be useless.
The magnetosphere protects against radiaton, and Mars lacks a magnetosphere.
We would have to create a giant force
field in the direction of the sun.
This Would make Mara Possible for the atmosphere to build up.

At first we can use solar panels for
energy on Mars, but with a bigger
population, we will need to generate
energy from the planet itself.

Remember solar energy is less effecient on Mars than on Earth because of it's distance.
We would need more solar panels
or to switch to another energy source.
We can't possibly change the gravity
of a planet unless we increased or
decreased it's mass.
3.711 m/s²
9.807 m/s²
Mars' gravity isn't that far off of Earth's
so it's better for humans to adapt to it.

By-Vikash Bharal
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