What is the Cylindrical thing at the end of Your Laptop Charger?

Have you ever wondered what is that
cylindrical thing at the end of your laptop
chargers? Most of us think that it is useless But it's NOT! Today we are going to reveal importance of it.

We all know that electrical current passes
through a charging cable in order to power
up any device battery. Due to this electric
current in the cable, it creates radio energy
within itself and emits this signal(radio
energy) in the form of waves outside the
cable In simple words, the charger acts like an antenna.
These signals (waves) can interfere with
our nearby devices like smartphones/
radios/ TVs components of laptop and
can cause problems. Here's where the
magical cylinder comes into the role.
It is known as ferrite beads. Their goal in life is to eliminate(block) those interference signals/ noise. This helps to isolatea laptop from other signals and radio energy.

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