The Most Beloved String Theory Products, According to Reviewers

You are reading this post on your
Phone or PC, and if you want to look
deeply inside your device, magnify
again and again, sooner or late..

You will find Molecules, but it's not the
end of the story because molecules are
made of atoms. And atoms are not the
end of the story too because..

You will find electrons and a nucleus deep
inside of them. You see that the nucleus is
itself made of protons and neutrons,
Now, if you grab a proton and..
Magnify it, you will find 3 tiny quarks
(Schools doesn't teach about this). Now,
here is where the conventional idea stops,
but string theory enters and suggests..
That you will see tiny filament of
energy, called strings and when they
vibrate, they produce the particles
A quark is nothing but a string
vibrating in one pattern, an
electron is nothing but a string
vibrating in a different pattern...

So, if you take all strings, quarks, atoms,
molecules back together, you will have
your ordinary device and if this theory is
true, then deep inside your device, there
is nothing but dancing, vibrating cosmic
symphony of Strings!..

By-Vikash Bharal
Thank You

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